Brock Rustin

Brock Rustin's Fundraiser

Please join me in supporting Children and Family Urban Movement's food security and affordable childcare programs in the River Bend neighborhood and beyond! image

Please join me in supporting Children and Family Urban Movement's food security and affordable childcare programs in the River Bend neighborhood and beyond!

Just a small donation will go a long way towards helping me meet my goal for CFUM!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$531 towards $1,001

Join me in supporting real, tangible change for those in North Des Moines. Help us pave a pathway out of poverty for our neighbors by enabling CFUM to reach more individuals with their free food programs and affordable 21st Century childcare.

I have had the pleasure of working in each of CFUM's programs over the two years I have been here, and am fortunate to have seen the impact these programs make for families in River Bend on a daily basis. Sleepily engaging sleepy children in the morning with wholesome programming and healthy breakfast as their parents drop them off on the way to work makes for a fun environment. Being able to see the need and appreciation of community residents when Supper Club staff and local groups I have gotten to work with serve meals is super impactful. Meeting emotionally tired, excitable, and curious students with unique curriculum as they get out of school and join The Haven proved both challenging and expansive. Additionally, enabling kids in the area to have the most productive, insightful, and exciting summers possible has equipped me with a wide variety of experiences I will not soon forget!

All of these programs collectively have demonstrated to me first-hand their necessity and potential for growth. As a Holiday Helper, I am eager to support and raise awareness for CFUM in an effort to rouse any amount of funds for the mission to create a community that supports the potential of children, youth, and families through educational success, healthy living, and community engagement! (: