Jacob Nastruz

Jacob Nastruz's Fundraiser

Join me in helping make a difference, please give today! image

Join me in helping make a difference, please give today!

Please donate to our cause below.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$425 towards $1,500

Please join me in supporting REAL CHANGE!

I have been working for Children & Family Urban Movement for over 2 years, and I have countless stories I could share. However, the root of it comes to this...There are people in parts of Des Moines, not too far from you that need help. There are children and families that are hungry and wouldn't be able to eat a meal on a nightly basis without your help. These are people that live in this community that can't afford childcare and give their child a safe place to be before and after school. With CFUM's resources, these individuals have somewhere to go for a hot meal, and a FREE place to send their child before and after school.

CFUM can't afford to run these programs though without YOUR HELP! Any donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal of $1,500, and our larger goal of $100,000 for Children & Family Urban Movement!